“The beauty of wood is unique: unique is the
concentric embroidery of the growth rings, unique is the
warmth…the extraordinary strength and durability of
wood can be appreciated by looking at the entrance to
the Basilica of S. Maria Novella in Florence.” This is
how our new customer defines wood, and we can only
agree. With this sentence we want to remind ourselves
our new installation in Turin. Thank you for choosing
Cursal s.r.l
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Cursal S.r.l.
Via Bradolini 38/a – 31020 San Fior (TV) – ITALY
Tel.: +39 0438.400963
Fax: +39 0438.401851
Cap. soc.: € 10.339,00 i.v. – C.F. / Reg. impr. TV N° 03079840264 – R.E.A. TV: 219583 – P.IVA: 03079840264
Codice Destinatario: X2PH38J